Monday, July 30, 2007

What Didn't I Make Yesterday?

I had a bit of a self-directed food fest this weekend, which began with Chai Latte Ice Cream. Unfortunately, in an attempt to make a healthy version, I made it too ice-milky. It tasted good, but the texture was too ice crystal-y. I'll get it right next time.

I made homemade hummus for the first time. It made a good amount, and has been great for dipping pita chips and farm share veggies. I got a little too experimental here (actually, I didn't read the recipe very well and neglected to add the chickpea "juice" from the can), so it is a very thick hummus.

We had B(L)Ts for lunch on Sunday with our farm share tomatoes (sans lettuce), with some farm share cucumber pickles that had been pickling for a few days. These were first pickles I've ever really enjoyed.

AND, we grilled our first fish so we could eat our first halibut with our first fresh mango salsa accompanied by our first side of quinoa. Uber healthy and good. Although, we learned that halibut is a flaky fish and therefore sticks like crazy to a grill grate.

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